Jumat, 27 Juni 2014


Rara and Chika friends since childhood even every day they play together because their homes are berdekatan.Dari start school well together and they are like brothers now that they've kandung.Dan high school and as usual after SEMESTER FINAL EXAM must be a long weekend to look forward to and two of them are planning a holiday together.

With both of them deliberately set aside allowance to go on vacation and the results are pretty decent and they are very happy to holiday with their savings sendiri.Dan they start packing supplies they need when the holidays arrive and they were both ready to leave their long holiday that is waiting place very special for those who have a lot of that is jogjakarta art for them.

1. What do Rara and Chika be able to go on vacation together?
2. Where Rara and Cika will go on vacation?
3. Whenever Rara and Cika leaving for vacation?
4. Who are planning a holiday in the story above?
5. Why Rara and Cika want to go to Jogjakarta?
6. How would happen if Rara and Cika not set aside money in his pocket when the holidays?



classifying words
Beautiful very happy after celebrating the birthday of the 17th for inviting lots of friends and a wonderful friend invited bring gifts as a surprise to indah.Manisnya beautiful smile when smiled blew out the candles and then cut the first slice of cake and a beautiful cake to give to her mother who is very in love does not forget his father.
How happy beautiful when her parents took her vacation as soon tahunnya.Indah re packing supplies that will be taken on vacation and do not go on vacation to a beautiful thought that during this beautiful Bali inginkan.Indah departed Saturday afternoon with two parents during their week in beautiful there because of school holidays.

Beautiful, friends, gifts, candles, cake, mom, dad, bali, schools,

Surprise, smile, love, well, happy, invites, forget `

Verb (VERB)
Celebrate, inviting, carrying, blowing, cutting, packing, go, go,

Rabu, 04 Juni 2014


      1.            BOTH.......AND
*      Both men and women are equal in work or school.
 laki –laki dan perempuan keduanya sama derajatnya dalam bekerja ataupun sekolah.
*      Both businessmen and traders would profit a lot when in the field.                                pengusaha dan pedagang keduanya akan menghasilkan keuntungan          banyak bila di tekuni.
*      Both fruits and vegetables is a requirement that must be equipped for the health of the body.                                                                                                                                 Kedua buah dan sayur merupakan kebutuhan yang harus di lengkapi untuk kesehatan tubuh.
      2.            EITHER........OR
*      Either sinta or arby smart plays all sorts of musical instruments
entah sinta or arby pintar memainkan segala macam alat musik.
*      Either the job becomes permanent or contract employees of fun.
Entah pekerjaan menjadi karyawan kontrak or tetap yang menyenangkan.
*      Either students or faculty that is easier.
Entah mahasiswa or dosen yang lebih mudah
      3.            NEITHER........NOR
*      Neither beef nor chicken fried much fat if consumed too much will become overweight
Baik  ayam goreng nor daging sapi banyak lemaknya apabila di konsumsi terlalu banyak akan menjadi kegemukan.
*       Neither formaldehyde nor borax is very harmful for health.
Baik  borak nor formalin sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan.
*      Neither day nor day off holiday comuter not always filled passenger line
Baik hari libur nor hari nggak libur comuter line selalu di penuhi penumpang.
*      Not only small children who like to vacation but also the parents are also happy holiday
Tidak hanya anak kecil yang suka liburan tetapi juga orang tua juga senang liburan
*      Not only good but also be clean so beautiful in look.
Tidak hanya bagus tetapi juga  harus bersih sehingga indah di lihat.
*      Not only food but also for decoration in purchasing souvenirs.
Tidak hanya makanan tetapi juga hiasan di beli untuk oleh-oleh.