Rabu, 16 April 2014


Djakarta :9-04-2014
To: cpc / mother / brothers / i
In: place
Subject: Personal

in connection  with our company's progress in the field of marketing who has been working with the company cpc / mother / brothers / i, we want to say a big thank you for his company's cooperation with the father of our Company company we work together a lot of progress in our company, for the director and ranks us as our staff would like to thank her deeply for your cooperation in our company, our company may add its future forward again from last years.
in connection with the success of our company has been cooperating with the company cpc / mother / brothers / i we say thank you very deeply in her, for it was the company we will work hard for his future so advanced lagi.Berhubung added to our company's success that has been working together the company cpc / mother / brothers / i we will increase it's performance in our company to add more advanced.
With its advances in the field of marketing our company, we will do a more efficient performance by the company may cpc / mother / brothers / i always do the same job better for his future, hopefully with his cooperating between our company can improve performance the maximum again, our company will be added forward again with the cooperation that we have sepakati.Semoga with this cooperation we can do our best yet, with this we thank him for his cooperation which we agree, for the her future we can get more leverage further the cooperation that we agree upon.
We as the board of directors would like to thank you for your cooperation.
The undersigned's


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