Sabtu, 25 Maret 2017

Soal Subject Verb Agreement

Name : Sutiyah
Class  : 4EA12
Npm  : 18213717

Multiple choice

1.Ani and Septiana and I ..... baking sponge cake at this time yesterday.

2.Weather to buy rent a house ..... important financial question.

3. ...... Siska or co-wokers sleep at work ?

4. Physics ..... been my favorite subjec since was 16 years old.

5. Mums usually ..... through saliva.

6.My shears .... sharp enough.

7.Eighty percentage of his furniture ..... old.

8.There ..... many ways to say "thank you".

9.One of her cats ..... like tuna.

10.The central office manager,along with two assistant ..... left the room.

Error analysis

1.Her and I have been good friends now for many years.

2.Because he never fully realized how importand a college education could be.

3.Playing tag on the back lawn, I spotted first the turtle

4.You must observe all the rules of the game,even if you do not always agree with it.

5.Anybody who wants more dessert should give their order to the pastry chef.

6.Earlier in the day,she took a taxi to the airport. Knowing that her time was limited.

7.The decisions of the judge seems questionable.

 8.I asked the clerk if the store had Stevie Wonders Latest CD.

9.When turning the ignition,the car backfired.

10.Much of boyhood was devoted to getting into rock fight,crossing railway trestles, and the hunt.

11.The flakes in this cereal tastes like sawdust.

12.She decided to quit her high-pressured job, she didn't want to develop heart trouble.

13.I hated to ask Jeni, whom is a very stingy person to lend me money.

14.Each driver should check the oil level their car every months.

15.The little girls spoke so quiet that I could hardly hear her.

Sumber :

Subject-Verb Agreement.

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